In June, #misec had a team compete with the baker cyber defense group in HackTheArch17. It was a Capture-the-Flag (CTF) event in which competitors or teams (max 4 players per team) use their cybersecurity techniques to solve puzzles in order to obtain flags. There were four teams at the college, we were remote and many more teams participated at the live event.
#misec’s team was composed of Kate Vadja, Hillary Farrell, James Green, and Sam Bradstreet. The CTF was structured into levels with challenges. Each challenge had a flag and “money” was rewarded when flags were turned in. The money was used for hints and unlocking higher levels. Challenges covered many topics from database usage, network analysis, and programming to cryptography and steganography. The teams competing at Baker college were able to quickly clear the lower levels. It was a competitive yet friendly environment.
The #misec team tied with the highest scoring student team for fifth place. Read more about the Baker experience in this automation alley post.
If you’re interested in competing next year, reach out on slack and look out for event postings for June 2018.